Saturday, December 1, 2012

What would happen if there were no television? Why would this be good? Bad?

It would be a good thing if there was no television. This would be a good thing because people would not be spending hours inside, sitting on the couch all day, this would improve the health of kids and adults everywhere. They would spend more time with their family and friends. This would also improve student's studying habits, there would be less distractions for them. Having no television would also be a bad because the television is where most people get there news and other important information throughout the day. Having no television would change society for good and bad.


  1. I completely agree with everything you mentioned. Having no television would decrease the number of overweight people, but television is where we get a lot of our news and information.

  2. Yeah I also agree but I do think that the good reasons out weigh the bad ones.People would be more active and would be more healthy.Television does provide us with news but that is what radios were for.(alec)

  3. What about if TV watching had to be monitored, then? Who would have to do it?

  4. You have some good thoughts. Personally if I could get rid of TV right now I would snap my fingers and do it. This would decrease many people's weight, make kids smarter (TV kills your brain), and people would be more social and friendly. Besides we don't need TV for things like weather and news. You can always go on the internet to look up today's weather or read a newspaper to keep up with local and universal news.

  5. (Ms. Ferreira)
    If tv watching had to be monitored then we wold lose our freedom to watch whatever we want. Tv is for (in most cases) entertainment. Some people, after a long day need to watch something to take their mind off things, this could also be a downfall if tv was taken away or monitored. People would feel more stress and/or depressed if their entertainment was taken away. I think it would be monitored by the government or even parents. Parents already can have control over what their children watch.

  6. Alec you do have good points. I do believe as we'll that the good out weigh the bad and that their are other ways to get the news.

  7. Kyle, I think I would get rid of my tv as well if I could, like you said how it kills brain cells, my health would benefit if I did. I get my news from the Internet so getting the news wouldn't be much of a problem.

  8. Yes Ellie! I agree with what you said about not having tv is a good thing. It really is a distraction when your trying to do your homework and your favorite show just happens to be on! I honestly don't think tv should be gotten rid of permently, though. The shows we love would be gone and we would miss them. I think tv should be a treat, like after you finish all your homework or it's the weekend. Parents should moniter when kids should watch tv if they think that their kids aren't responsible enough to watch tv at appropriate times. Otherwise, I agree with your ideas, Ellie!

  9. Ellie, great response and I agree with everything that you said. No T.V. would most likely greatly increase productivity because there wouldn't be as many distractions at home or any other places. However after you're done working then you cannot watch television.
