Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Speech.

     Men and Women all across the world are discriminated against, not by their character but, who they love. Yes “all men are created equal” but, are we treated as equals? No. Homosexuals are tormented to death due to the fact that they are “different.”
Homophobia is not a disease nor a fear. You’re afraid of people being different from the couples you see on commercial and television shows. People are different, families are different. It’s not what you usually see on a magazine, a man and a wife. The way I see it, being homosexual is like being left handed, you either are or you aren’t. You shouldn’t force people to write with their right hand or tell them it’s wrong because they’re left handed.
  “War. Rape. Murder. Poverty. Famine. Equal rights for gays. Guess which one the Southern Baptist Convention is protesting?” (The Value of Families) Equal rights for gays, of all the things in the world to protest against, people pick love over all else. Your family won’t have food tonight but,  people think that a man and a man or a woman and a woman loving each other needs to be stopped over this! Your family doesn’t have a place to sleep tonight but, there are same-sex couples and they want to get married, and that needs to change first apparently. It baffles me that after everything we as humans have gone through, racism, terrorism, and now we are at war with each other people believe they have the right to interfere with the relationships of homosexual couples.
    We are meant to be different, that’s what makes us human. I dream about a day when we can walk outside and see same-sex couples walk comfortably down the street holding hands and not worrying about people giving them dirty looks or whispering hateful words to each other. A day where if you love each other, regardless of gender you can marry in every state. A day where homosexual teens are not bullied to the point of death because they feel they let down their parents or didn’t fit in at school. Until that day, take care of each other. Thank you.


  1. I'm left-handed, and I don't get yelled at, or told to write with my right hand! I love this speech and I think you will present it well tomorrow, even though I won't be there to see it. This is a very big issue in the U.S. and I agree completely with everything you said. If I could hear it, I would stand with you. Good job!

  2. Wow this is very touching to me. I am not sure if you knew but I have two moms. When I used to live in Virginia my moms would complain that they didn't like the government and they wanted to get married. When we moved to Massachusetts they got married that summer, but they are always scared that something will happen and make them not legally married. Also, in social studies we talked about how a lady from the south had got a 1/4 million dollar fine when her wife died. That is just ridiculous. I would think it would be common sense that people would automatically take away all this bad stuff about homosexual marriages, but maybe I just think that because I grew up thinking it was completely normal.

  3. Thank you Deanna, the left-handed thing was just a metaphor haha.

  4. I had uncles who were a same-sex couple and I often worried about how they were being treated because of who they love. I've grown up as well thinking that homosexual marriages are completely okay. Now that I've grown up I see how differently they are treated. Thanks for sharing that Kyle!

  5. Ellie, this is a great speach! I, and probably everyone who read this speech, could see that you put all your feelings into it and it showed! I like your second sentence in the first paragraph, how you used a quote. It really brought your point home!

  6. Ellie, it is clear that you put thought into your speach because when you presented they weren't just words on a paper they were actual emotions that you have.
