Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Speech.

     Men and Women all across the world are discriminated against, not by their character but, who they love. Yes “all men are created equal” but, are we treated as equals? No. Homosexuals are tormented to death due to the fact that they are “different.”
Homophobia is not a disease nor a fear. You’re afraid of people being different from the couples you see on commercial and television shows. People are different, families are different. It’s not what you usually see on a magazine, a man and a wife. The way I see it, being homosexual is like being left handed, you either are or you aren’t. You shouldn’t force people to write with their right hand or tell them it’s wrong because they’re left handed.
  “War. Rape. Murder. Poverty. Famine. Equal rights for gays. Guess which one the Southern Baptist Convention is protesting?” (The Value of Families) Equal rights for gays, of all the things in the world to protest against, people pick love over all else. Your family won’t have food tonight but,  people think that a man and a man or a woman and a woman loving each other needs to be stopped over this! Your family doesn’t have a place to sleep tonight but, there are same-sex couples and they want to get married, and that needs to change first apparently. It baffles me that after everything we as humans have gone through, racism, terrorism, and now we are at war with each other people believe they have the right to interfere with the relationships of homosexual couples.
    We are meant to be different, that’s what makes us human. I dream about a day when we can walk outside and see same-sex couples walk comfortably down the street holding hands and not worrying about people giving them dirty looks or whispering hateful words to each other. A day where if you love each other, regardless of gender you can marry in every state. A day where homosexual teens are not bullied to the point of death because they feel they let down their parents or didn’t fit in at school. Until that day, take care of each other. Thank you.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


My favorite band, Paramore has announced that they will be releasing a new album that is self-titled on April 9th, 2013. I've been waiting for their new album for a few years now, I can't wait till April! This is one of my favorite performances from them, the song is called "Let the Flames Begin"

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Lights

I was driving around earlier and saw this huge Christmas tree made of lights!

"Are Facebook 'Likes' Protected by the First Amendment?" An article written by Noor Brara

In the article "Are Facebook 'Likes' Protected by the First Amendment?" I read about Daniel Ray Carter, a man in Virginia, who was fired from his job in April 2009 because he liked a Facebook page. The page was for the sheriff running against his boss. Liking the page doesn't actually count as a statement, therefore it is not protected by the First Amendment (the right to free speech). Some say that online speech such as "likes" should be protected by the First Amendment. The Supreme Court will ultimately decide whether or not Facebook "likes" are protected as free speech. As you can imagine this isn't what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they made the Amendments. We are currently learning about the Founding Fathers in Social Studies and obviously Facebook was not around, but they did intend for people to have the right to express their thoughts and opinions in a respectful manner. What do you guys think? Should "likes" be protected?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What would happen if there were no television? Why would this be good? Bad?

It would be a good thing if there was no television. This would be a good thing because people would not be spending hours inside, sitting on the couch all day, this would improve the health of kids and adults everywhere. They would spend more time with their family and friends. This would also improve student's studying habits, there would be less distractions for them. Having no television would also be a bad because the television is where most people get there news and other important information throughout the day. Having no television would change society for good and bad.
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